I recently got PHPUnit and Laravel Dusk tests to pass for AIP Demos when either running Dusk in an OS with a graphical environment or one that is using xvfb (X virtual frame buffer). I also got them to run on the container created by TravisCI. It took quite a bit of trial and error, […]
The Pi-Eyed Programmer
Linux, Personal Computers, Sever Administration, TechnologyLately, I’ve been rather enthralled by the Raspberry Pi, as I’ve heard so much about them that I finally had to get one. My world has not been the same since. I have wanted to develop a deeper understanding of electronics for the longest time and this device has been the perfect context to open […]
macOS Sierra Hates Web Development
OS X, Sever Administration, TechnologyOr so you would think, given the number of hoops one jumps through on El Capitan and up versus, I don’t know, any other OS! The main annoyance, which I first encountered on El Capitan, is how port 80 and 443 are treated very specially. You just simply can’t be trusted with them so OS […]
Cloud9 in name only
Sever AdministrationSo, I decided to finally give Cloud9 a try. All I can say is that it’s not exactly heaven up there, although for a free service with 512MB of RAM and 1 GB of hard drive space, one should not complain too much. Cloud9 does have the individual user in mind in how they provide […]
Eclipse Mars RSE Terminal
TechnologyThe new Eclipse Mars comes with some notable improvements, particularly the new installer. I figured I would always be dealing with Eclipse through a zip archive, but it looks like they are finally trying to make things a little easier for us. So, there was a little change in the beloved Remote System Explorer plugin […]
httpd and El Capitan
OS X, Sever AdministrationThe new OS X fails to disappoint with new quirks and bugs that I trust Apple will iron out in good time. A few people have shared their problems with pfctl and how its port forwarding no longer works with 10.11. I added some more tips to the AMP -> OS X page on this […]
a2enmod for Windows!
Sever Administration, Technology
It’s been around for a little while, but win-a2enmod is one of the first actually useful pieces of software I’ve made, although it’s all PowerShell and Windows command line, so it could rightly just be called a script, but a fairly involved one. It is for managing modules and sites on Windows Apache, and I […]
Git ‘er done
TechnologyIt would be great if Github would be clearer about this, but be aware that if you are contributing to someone else’s project by way of forking their repository into your account, you’re going to want to keep your pull request’s clean. First of all, you more than likely want the master branch of your […]