

I invite you to take a look at my new Demos page, where I plan to showcase applications I created that work with technology of much interest and relevance to anyone making modern-day software. The first application I have to share is the final project for Udacity’s JavaScript Design Patterns, which utilizes web APIs from Yelp, Google Maps, and Wikipedia. Google Maps was by far the easiest the work with. Yelp wasn’t too bad after getting used to it, but MediaWiki’s web API required quite a lot of patience to work with in the way I needed to, especially querying the right generator and making sure nested queries matched up right. Pure madness, I tell you. But maybe not so bad once you wrap you head around it.

You will also notice how the demos site has a proper TLS certificate, courtesy of guides from Feisty Duck and the free signing services of Let’s Encrypt.

The projects will continue to improve, but please give me some feedback.  Thanks!

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