A Path Towards Continuous Integration

Linux, Sever Administration, Technology

I recently got PHPUnit and Laravel Dusk tests to pass for AIP Demos when either running Dusk in an OS with a graphical environment or one that is using xvfb (X virtual frame buffer). I also got them to run on the container created by TravisCI. It took quite a bit of trial and error, […]

The Pi-Eyed Programmer

Linux, Personal Computers, Sever Administration, Technology

Lately, I’ve been rather enthralled by the Raspberry Pi, as I’ve heard so much about them that I finally had to get one. My world has not been the same since. I have wanted to develop a deeper understanding of electronics for the longest time and this device has been the perfect context to open […]

Docker on Windows 10

Linux, Sever Administration, Technology, Windows
Docker on Windows

It may not look like much, but the above screenshot is one of my finest achievements to date. I was having a lot of trouble getting Docker to launch on Windows 10. I found a lot of people online in the same boat, as the problem was with VirtualBox’s Host-Only Ethernet Adapter. A screenshot on […]