Or so you would think, given the number of hoops one jumps through on El Capitan and up versus, I don’t know, any other OS! The main annoyance, which I first encountered on El Capitan, is how port 80 and 443 are treated very specially. You just simply can’t be trusted with them so OS […]
Cloud9 in name only
Sever AdministrationSo, I decided to finally give Cloud9 a try. All I can say is that it’s not exactly heaven up there, although for a free service with 512MB of RAM and 1 GB of hard drive space, one should not complain too much. Cloud9 does have the individual user in mind in how they provide […]
httpd and El Capitan
OS X, Sever AdministrationThe new OS X fails to disappoint with new quirks and bugs that I trust Apple will iron out in good time. A few people have shared their problems with pfctl and how its port forwarding no longer works with 10.11. I added some more tips to the AMP -> OS X page on this […]
An Up-To-Date Web Server
Sever Administration, Technology
Take a really close look at this. Notice how the version of phpMyAdmin says “up to date”? See where it says the mysqli functions are being used? Notice how there are no errors about the pma tables and users? See that web server version? Apache 2.4.9. That is the most stable version of Apache and […]
a2enmod for Windows!
Sever Administration, Technology
It’s been around for a little while, but win-a2enmod is one of the first actually useful pieces of software I’ve made, although it’s all PowerShell and Windows command line, so it could rightly just be called a script, but a fairly involved one. It is for managing modules and sites on Windows Apache, and I […]
The ideal OS X web server
Sever Administration, Technology
This is what a MAMP server should look like:
My first repository
TechnologyMy first GitHub repository is a PowerShell script that mirrors the functionality of the a2enmod Perl script in Debian. I was hoping to find some parallel to that script in Windows, but the Internet showed me nothing, so I decided to whip up my own. See the man pages of the original commands. First, run […]
Apache, MySQL and PHP on Windows 8
TechnologyMy good web admins. Please allow me to share with you an Apache, MySQL, PHP installation success story. It’s a story that shouldn’t be exclusive to any one person, and an experience that should be easily recreated by anyone, and the instructions of which should be easily findable through your favorite search engine. But the […]