Or so you would think, given the number of hoops one jumps through on El Capitan and up versus, I don’t know, any other OS! The main annoyance, which I first encountered on El Capitan, is how port 80 and 443 are treated very specially. You just simply can’t be trusted with them so OS […]
httpd and El Capitan
OS X, Sever Administration
The new OS X fails to disappoint with new quirks and bugs that I trust Apple will iron out in good time. A few people have shared their problems with pfctl and how its port forwarding no longer works with 10.11. I added some more tips to the AMP -> OS X page on this […]
Me and the Cap’n made it happ’n

I, and the rest of the developer world, was rather shocked to receive an invitation to preview the new version of OS X: El Capitan. I was confused by the name, until my good coding colleague made me privy to the mountain in Yosemite Park, so it all makes a lot more sense. Of course, […]
The ideal OS X web server
Sever Administration, Technology

This is what a MAMP server should look like: