I’ve followed many a tutorial and shared the results on my Demo site. But I finally made my own game, with the help of free images and sounds. It’s not a full game, just a very small demo in its own right. Still, I’m very excited to share something that I made.
It doesn’t really have a name. I’ve been calling it Foxy. It was inspired by an asset pack called Sunny Land. I believe the character started out as a squirrel, but I could not help but to see it as a fox.
There is so much free art to use at freesound.org and opengameart.org. I can get lost for hours on those sites, imagining so many different worlds. Now I have a chance to make some of them.
I’ve been working with Unity for years, very off and on. For the past few months, I’ve done my best to stay very on, and I’ve learned a lot.
Give my little demo a try and let me know your thoughts. It’s a bit unpolished, possibly a tad buggy, but I hope not too much. My ultimate hope is that you will find it weird but kind of fun. There’s quite a chance I will expand upon it, to give my take on what I have in mind for these creatures. Otherwise, Open Game Art is a very inspiring place to make something even more fun and involved. My own 2D graphic skills continue to be honed, so I hope to introduce my own characters soon.