The first game I personally made with free assets.
The mind is a terrible thing
The first game I personally made with free assets.
A Grand Day Out was surely an alternative title they were kicking around as Colorado-based Deck Nine was thinking of apt and succinct labels for this episode. Farewell was a brief yet universal adventure. It is a tale of friendship, wonder, science, adventure, love, and death. It is a very appropriately extra and final episode […]
Words fail me… as is customary with this series. And as always, the statements to follow will not be devoid of spoilers. I always want to ask: what are they saying exactly? What is the message behind the scenarios they are portraying? There’s a deliberate purpose behind almost every action in a work of art […]
I admit, this series was a little hard for me to appreciate at first. It is a significant departure from the initial storyline which bended reality and had a more superhero feel to the whole thing. In Life is Strange: Before the Storm, you are immersed in real life. It was hard for me to […]
For those of us greatly affected by the first series, that is to say that the first series had a great effect on us, it has been with equally great anticipation that we have awaited Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Episode 1: Awake. SquareEnix, you are still holding on to that spark that first […]
I have been at a loss for words for the past few months. Since completing the series, my mind has been in a state of stasis—frozen in uncertainty after being bombarded by an amalgam of ideas that I have encountered many times before in many other stories, histories, and re-tellings, but simply not in this […]
Just when I had gathered the pieces of myself back together after being hit to death in the ol’ future head by Episode 3, I instantly became re-dismantled by the subsequent adventure, rather aptly named The Dark Room. This is where things take a turn for the worst and our inner demons begin to emerge. […]
Wow… it took a moment to collect myself. This is one extraordinary adventure and well-deserving of all its accolades. Max Caufield is a modern day Holden Caulfield, which I’m sure is exactly what they were going for, what with that “Catcher in the Rye”-looking poster back there. The scenarios that one experiences in this game […]
Brace yourselves… I have paragraphs to unload. PARAGRAPHS. There may be spoilers within, so reader beware… First of all, I am not kidding: Simply playing this game will make the patriarchy your bitch. SquareEnix, you have out-fucking-done yourself. I really didn’t think they had it in them any more, that FF7 was just a fluke […]
First Damsel in Distress Video Second Video | Third Video Thunderf00t’s response Part 2 | Another non-sexist anti-trolling rebuttal | A very thorough critique of Sarkeesian’s conclusions Oh man, you stirred up quite the hornet’s nest. Say, it’s no good that you’ve been harassed, but you should *absolutely* respond to thoughtful critiques of your work. […]