This is what a MAMP server should look like:
The mind is a terrible thing
This is what a MAMP server should look like:
I have total appreciation for Masha and Nadia’s bravery, but if they keep taunting Russia to re-incarcerate them, their country will certainly oblige them. I hope Pussy Riot’s most outspoken members consider the consequences of this. They are sure to be more productive out of jail. Even if you compared their actions to those of, […]
Even in the first few minutes, there is a lot that I’m very pleased with. The book was indeed rather vague on the origin of the Formics, more derisively known as Buggers (one of a handful of instances in the book where homosexuality is tangentially derided). The majority of the story is essentially preparation for […]
Just like the guide says, this is the most successful path to upgrading modern Fedora versions: sudo yum update fedup fedora-release sudo fedup –network 20 This upgrades from Fedora 19 to 20. Adding the –reboot option to fedup will automatically restart the system. You should then see a System Upgrade entry in grub’s menu. Selecting […]
It would be great if Github would be clearer about this, but be aware that if you are contributing to someone else’s project by way of forking their repository into your account, you’re going to want to keep your pull request’s clean. First of all, you more than likely want the master branch of your […]
News outlets have been focusing more attention on the rampant sexual assault issues plaguing our armed forces. The worse accounts I’ve heard involve people who were supposedly in charge of preventing sexual assault engaging in such deplorable behavior themselves. One of the most talked about, and confusing, cases involves four men at Maryland’s Naval Academy […]
From what I can tell by the response of Democratic and Republican Congesspeople, the legislature and the executive are go on attacking Syria. Several members of our legislature, on the left and right, have made clear that they prefer a timetable, but they still acknowledge that the actual consequences of such an action are uncertain […]
First Damsel in Distress Video Second Video | Third Video Thunderf00t’s response Part 2 | Another non-sexist anti-trolling rebuttal | A very thorough critique of Sarkeesian’s conclusions Oh man, you stirred up quite the hornet’s nest. Say, it’s no good that you’ve been harassed, but you should *absolutely* respond to thoughtful critiques of your work. […]
I’m having a hard time understanding the outrage behind these Voter ID laws I keep hearing about. In the State of Colorado, one is given a variety of methods to register to vote. When you obtain a license, and probably also when you obtain any other kind of Colorado state ID, there are sections of […]
Firefox users may have noticed that as of Mozilla’s release of version 23 today, they will no longer be supporting the blink tag. Your first feeling may be disbelief. Shock, even. Followed by disappointment. Bargaining. And then finally, acceptance. An article on the MDN points out that all of the major browsers, except for Opera, […]