Or so you would think, given the number of hoops one jumps through on El Capitan and up versus, I don’t know, any other OS! The main annoyance, which I first encountered on El Capitan, is how port 80 and 443 are treated very specially. You just simply can’t be trusted with them so OS […]
GeneralI invite you to take a look at my new Demos page, where I plan to showcase applications I created that work with technology of much interest and relevance to anyone making modern-day software. The first application I have to share is the final project for Udacity’s JavaScript Design Patterns, which utilizes web APIs from […]
Getting at what Matters
Human Behavior, Politics, Social IssuesThe tragic death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri should never be forgotten, especially the circumstances leading up to it. Although it has been said before, there was much more than race involved in that terrible event. These problems strike at the heart of what it is to be human. In such moments, the darkness […]
The Essence of Politics
Graphic Arts, Literature, Politics, Social Issues
I was very privileged to have a brief Twitter conversation with Alli Kirkham, one of the many thoughtful, talented, and concerned contributors at Everyday Feminism. It was my first visit to that site, as I had been informed of the Politically Incorrect Man comic after seeing it reviewed by the Amazing Atheist. Like most things […]
Cloud9 in name only
Sever AdministrationSo, I decided to finally give Cloud9 a try. All I can say is that it’s not exactly heaven up there, although for a free service with 512MB of RAM and 1 GB of hard drive space, one should not complain too much. Cloud9 does have the individual user in mind in how they provide […]
A Clean Ship
OS X, Personal Computers, TechnologySo, I finally found out why my laptop with El Capitan kept crashing. It took me a while to notice consistent references to com.symantec.kext.internetSecurity(5.4f4) in the crash report, for which I found a few other online OPs, if you will, in a similar predicament. Although I had already uninstalled my Comcast provided Norton Internet Security, I […]
Filezilla is not adware
TechnologyI’m surprised that this needs clarification, but imagine my confusion when, as a DevCamp mentor for teens, I inform students about FTP clients like Filezilla, only to receive email from a concerned parent who was very understandably displeased to see their antivirus software throw up red flags for this very familiar program. I eventually found […]
Eclipse Mars RSE Terminal
TechnologyThe new Eclipse Mars comes with some notable improvements, particularly the new installer. I figured I would always be dealing with Eclipse through a zip archive, but it looks like they are finally trying to make things a little easier for us. So, there was a little change in the beloved Remote System Explorer plugin […]
Thoughtful Dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges
PoliticsLike all Supreme Court opinions, the Obergefell v. Hodges case is a required romp. Like the Windsor case, I gather that Kennedy was the author in order to give the decision a more neutral voice, and the majority opinion was intentionally much shorter than the dissent following. I think it was a good call to […]
Docker on Windows 10
Linux, Sever Administration, Technology, Windows
It may not look like much, but the above screenshot is one of my finest achievements to date. I was having a lot of trouble getting Docker to launch on Windows 10. I found a lot of people online in the same boat, as the problem was with VirtualBox’s Host-Only Ethernet Adapter. A screenshot on […]