The new OS X fails to disappoint with new quirks and bugs that I trust Apple will iron out in good time. A few people have shared their problems with pfctl and how its port forwarding no longer works with 10.11. I added some more tips to the AMP -> OS X page on this […]
Me and the Cap’n made it happ’n
I, and the rest of the developer world, was rather shocked to receive an invitation to preview the new version of OS X: El Capitan. I was confused by the name, until my good coding colleague made me privy to the mountain in Yosemite Park, so it all makes a lot more sense. Of course, […]
It’s a Tear Down…
The SiteYou may notice something a little different… not as much flare and pizazz. A little light on the colors and significantly less dynamism. In a word: minimalistic. I have decided to use my own theme to get a better appreciation for the innerworkings of WordPress. I am delighted by how they make a lot of […]
New Fiction: That Which Cannot Be Effed
LiteratureNew fiction is available in the form of a short story called That Which Cannot Be Effed which chronicles a brief conversation on sexual relations between two fairly confused men and one clear-thinking woman. Please enjoy and comment. Thank you.
For the Captain
Performance ArtsPlease demonstrate your humanity and participate.
New Fiction: The Wrong Twin
LiteratureRegardless of whether or not you asked for it, new fiction written by yours truly is on its way. For a while now, I’ve contemplated how to go about sharing things I write, and I’ve decided to just use the giant forum known as the Internet to publish my own work. I no longer ascribe […]
Where did cable TV come from?
Literature, PoliticsThe ABC vs. Aereo Supreme Court case opinion was a very intriguing read. Breyer, J. recounts the history of cable television, CATV. I have vague recollections of community access television, but it turns out that they started as giant antennas that picked up other public channels from very far away, and eventually from very very […]
An Up-To-Date Web Server
Sever Administration, Technology
Take a really close look at this. Notice how the version of phpMyAdmin says “up to date”? See where it says the mysqli functions are being used? Notice how there are no errors about the pma tables and users? See that web server version? Apache 2.4.9. That is the most stable version of Apache and […]
American History: Anita Hill
Politics, Social IssuesI have absolutely no idea where I was when this scandal broke. I did not even know it existed until about five or so years ago, when Anita Hill was making yet another comeback after Clarence Thomas’s wife, Virginia, called Ms. Hill out of the blue and asked her to apologize, subsequently apologizing herself for […]
a2enmod for Windows!
Sever Administration, Technology
It’s been around for a little while, but win-a2enmod is one of the first actually useful pieces of software I’ve made, although it’s all PowerShell and Windows command line, so it could rightly just be called a script, but a fairly involved one. It is for managing modules and sites on Windows Apache, and I […]